School christmas pageant

Taylor’s school had a real cute pageant for the 3- and 4-year-old classes. The 4s acted out a whole skit after Taylor’s class got up on stage in their cute Christmas-themed pajamas and sang a few songs for us. I might be biased, but the younger kids stole the show.

More after the jump …

Again, apologies for the quality of these photos. A camera purchase is coming soon.

Taylor and class march in

Cute little girls all in their PJs.

Singing one of their songs. Taylor loved propping her feet up on the chair in front of her.

There is one boy in her class now. Poor little guy. He’ll appreciate that one day. Until then, he has gotten quite adept at convincing sweet little girls to play race cars and power rangers and the like.

Taylor checks out the competition – the 4 year olds just offstage getting ready for their show.

Taylor’s class, including the two girls being held by the teachers. They definitely stole the show. Great singers!

We had no trouble hearing Taylor’s voice.

And now the camera is cleaned off. Bring on Christmas!