Month: August 2015

A writing exercise

The instructions: Pick a book off your shelf. Close eyes. Random flip. Point to a word. Write down that word, the three words before it and the three words after it. Write for 5 minutes on that. Part 2 of the instructions: read it backward and find a sentence that makes sense and “has energy; […]

A 7th grader – already??

Taylor started 7th grade today. She’ll officially be a teenager in just a few months. I. am. not. ready. As we drove past the high school, I took her hand and said, “In two years, that’ll be our turn.” She said, “In four years, it’ll MY turn.” Yeah, she’s already dreaming about driving herself to […]

I love my family…

Tonight, for some insane reason, Taylor thumped her daddy on the head and then (wisely) ran to her room, closing the door behind her. She wouldn’t come out, but she still needed to brush her teeth. Brian: Taylor, I’m not going to do anything to you. You need to brush your teeth.  Taylor: Promise you […]